Thursday 31 December 2015

Nigeria to acquire two satellites from China for $701m

Nigeria has opened talks with China for the financing and construction of two new communication satellites, NigComSat-2 and NigComSat-3 at a cost of $701m.
Speaking at a Media Parley in Abuja on Wednesday, General Manager, Satellite Applications, Nigerian Communications Satellite Limited, Abdulrahman Adelajah, said the proposed satellites "NigComSat-2 and NigComSat-3" will serve as backups to NigComSat 1 which was launched in 2011.
He also said that NigComSat had won a bid to provide In-Orbit Test for Belarus for the launching of its new satellite from the company’s Abuja ground station.
Adelajah stated, “Following the successful launch of NigComSat-1R, two additional satellites, NigComSat-2 and NigComSat-3, are required to provide backup services, expand operations and boost customer confidence.
“The Federal Government has already commenced budgetary provision in this respect. In furtherance of the sustained commercial relations between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Finance has been negotiating with the China EXIM Bank to provide a loan facility to support a series of Nigerian developmental projects, including the manufacture and launch of NigComSat-2 and 3 at a cost of $701m.”

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