Sunday 21 August 2016

Suicide bomber hits market in Cameroon

A suicide bomber on a motorbike killed three people and wounded 24 at a market in north Cameroon, where armed group Boko Haram has been waging an armed rebellion since 2009, authorities said. A senior military official told Reuters news agency
that the bomber was also killed in the attack in Mora, in Cameroon's Far North province.

He said that it was possible one of the three victims was also on the bike. Another security source said authorities were convinced this was the work of Boko Haram, which has pledged allegiance to ISIL, wants to create an Islamic state in the region
spanning four countries.

A regional offensive against Boko Haram led by Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon and Niger - the four countries most affected by the armed group - has chased it out of towns in the Lake Chad region.  In response, the group has launched a guerrilla campaign mostly targeting the civilian population.

"Sunday is a big market day," Communications Minister Issa Tchiroma said by telephone,
confirming the details and death toll in the Mora attack. "There were also six people seriously wounded who were transported out by helicopter to Maroua." He said that "the situation is currently under control". Cameroon has been frequently hit by suicide attacks.

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