Monday 22 August 2016

Nearly 1,800 Killed in Philippine Drug War, Top Police Official Tells Senators

Killings by the police and vigilantes in the Philippines’ war on drugs have soared to nearly 1,800 in the seven weeks since President Rodrigo Duterte was sworn into office, the nation’s top police official told a Senate hearing on Monday.

Under Mr. Duterte, who campaigned on a pledge to rid the country of drug dealers, 712 suspects have been killed in police operations, National Police Chief Ronald dela Rosa said. Vigilante killings have totaled 1,067 during the same period, he said, although it was unclear how many were directly related to the illegal drug trade.

The numbers represent a huge increase over those cited by the police last week, when they put the total at more than 800 since Mr. Duterte’s election on May 9. The new figures do not include killings that occurred between the election and his inauguration on June 30.

The police did not explain the sudden increase. Senators are expected to question them about the tally on Tuesday during a second day of joint hearings by the chamber’s committee on justice and human rights and the committee on public order and dangerous drugs.

Mr. Duterte is said to have incited the wave of killings with his vow to eradicate crime. He has said the police should “shoot to kill” when they encounter members of organized crime or suspects who violently resist arrest.

Human rights advocates have been horrified by the killings, but Mr. Duterte’s popularity has soared among a large segment of Filipinos weary of crime and enthusiastic about his pledge to rid the country of drug dealers.

Senator Leila de Lima, a longtime Duterte opponent who led the hearing on Monday, called on the government to end the killings.

“I strongly believe extrajudicial or extralegal killings, whether perpetrated by the state or by nonstate actors, must stop,” she said. “Blatant disregard for human life has to stop.”

Richard Javad Heydarian, who teaches political science at De La Salle University in Manila, said many members of the public were giving Mr. Duterte wide leeway to deliver on his promise to suppress the drug scourge within three to six months. Mr. Duterte’s “shock and awe” approach reflects not only his commitment to eradicating drugs, Mr. Heydarian said, but also extremely high public expectations.

“The more fundamental question at this point is, why the seemingly unprecedented support for the new president despite global criticism of his uncompromising approach?” he said. “I think it largely has to do with dissipated public trust in existing judicial institutions, a sense that the normal democratic processes are not coping with the magnitude of the crisis.”

In recent days, the president has lashed out at critics. On Sunday, he threatened to withdraw from the United Nations after two human rights experts from the world body urged the country to stop the killings. Mr. Duterte’s foreign minister later said the Philippines would not take that step.

Last week, Mr. Duterte sharply criticized Ms. de Lima, calling her immoral and accusing her of receiving money from drug dealers, a charge she emphatically denies.

On Monday, the senators heard from two women whose family members had been killed by the police.

Mary Rose Aquino, who testified wearing a bandanna, sunglasses and a hooded sweatshirt so she could not be recognized, said her parents were found dead on June 20. Her father had been an informant for corrupt police officers who would raid dealers and take the drugs for themselves, she said. Sometimes the officers would smoke methamphetamine at their home, she said.

“I know who they are,” she told the senators. “I can recognize their faces, others by their names. My father was a police asset who informed police what houses to raid. They would then resell the drug.”

She said her parents had planned to get out of the drug trade, and she blamed the police for their deaths. She and her siblings have been hiding from the police since their parents died, she said, sobbing.

The senators also heard from Harra Kazuo, whose husband, Jaypee Bertes, and his father, Renato Bertes, were killed by the officers inside the Pasay City police station after they were arrested.

She told the committee that the police had been extorting money from her husband, a small-time drug peddler. She said he had been preparing to surrender to the police because he was afraid he would be killed. About 600,000 people suspected of being drug dealers or users have turned themselves in to escape being killed since the antidrug campaign began, the authorities have said.

Wearing large sunglasses and partly covering her face with a shawl, Ms. Kazuo told the senators that the police had beaten her husband and threatened to shoot him if he did not hand over his drugs, but that he had nothing to give them. The police strip-searched their 2-year-old daughter looking for drugs, she said. Renato Bertes arrived in the middle of the commotion, and the police beat him for insisting they show him a warrant, she said.

“If you want, we can shoot you all here,” Ms. Kazuo said one officer told them.

At the station, the police severely beat the two men, breaking her husband’s arm, according to a forensic report. The police said the two had tried to grab their guns and escape. Each man was shot three times.

Ms. Kazuo, who is seven months pregnant, said she had visited them at the station before their deaths and had seen that her husband was in poor condition. He asked for a doctor.

“He was leaning on the bars and had a hard time standing,” she said. “He had a difficult time speaking. That was the last time I saw them alive.”

After the hearing, Chief dela Rosa said he was surprised by the women’s testimony, which he said contradicted official reports. The Bertes case was rare, he said, because the two were killed inside a jail cell.

He said he would investigate Ms. Aquino’s account of police behavior.

“I will not tolerate this,” Chief dela Rosa said. “I myself will find these policemen.” But he said the campaign against drugs would not stop, because the police had orders from the president to eliminate drugs.

“The police now have the momentum,” he said.

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