Thursday 25 August 2016

Bama still in ruins

The largest town that Boko Haram ever controlled still lies in ruins, frozen in time nearly 18 months after Nigeria's military recaptured it from the Islamist militants.
Bama's streets are deserted and those people who are still in the area are camped out in the grounds of a hospital guarded by the army and in dire need of humanitarian aid.
Hundreds of buildings are burnt-out shells with no roofs. Downed power cables are strewn on the streets.

The bush is reclaiming many of the abandoned homes. Apart from the occasional military patrol, it is like a ghost town. Close to the border crossing with Cameroon, Bama in Nigeria's north-eastern Borno state was once a thriving commercial hub and home to 250,000 people. Boko Haram controlled the town for seven months before it was retaken by the Nigerian military in March 2015.

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